Sunday, 16 November 2014

Word Salad.

What a different world
we’d live in
if love were simple
if smiles were genuine
if the right words were said
if hearts cherished wisdom
if questions found answers
if duties were done
if tears were dried
if minds sought truth


We learn little by little
what we never would have known

had we stayed content
blinded by what we liked
but restless still, always

we learn by experience
what we can never express
yet always feel

hearts change
habits mould
thoughts are established
ways conform
minds are blended

in little ways
big ways become


I toss my mind
back and forth

between the sane
and the insane

only seeking best

between joy and mirth
chastens and criticisms
yearnings and independence

oh fickle eyes
find a resting place
if you would
if only you could


Yet, for once in my life
joy is graspable.

no longer the wispy thing
but intangible

now I feel it
I see it
I can describe it
and trace it’s pattern
through everyday
and every moment

it’s a sweet draught
I take now

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