Thursday, 3 July 2014

Don't Forget To Fall In Love

If I were cupid
And sailing through the sky
I'd send an arrow through your heart
And to that arrow
I'd attatch a string
And with that string
I'd sew the world through
I'd pull it taunt
 And knot it tight

And so bind your heart
 To fairy flowers
To sweet red roses
And dew kissed Lillys

Sunrises and sunsets

Clear blue skies
And prancing clouds

To the robin's song
To the whipperwill's chant

And thus I would tie you irrevocably to all the beauties of the world

And were then my arrow a silver pencil made
My touch magic
And my ink blood red

With the passion of a poet
And the abandon of an artist

I would write across your being this simple appeal

"Oh darling, don't forget to fall in love."

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