Wednesday, 15 May 2013


in the sleep of day
we call night
i used to gaze upon
les etoiles

comme de petits cristaux

my eyes were brighter then
as i dreamed
(always dreaming)
and a hope made me happy

the hope of someday

i used to dream of someday
like a sapphire cloud
just beyond the horizon
of all i could see today

someday was a strong hand
to hold me in the storm

someday was a laugh
dancing like leaves in the wind

someday was a home
a crackling fireplace
warm hearts reflecting

someday was everything i dreamed of
someday was a paradise
a million paradises

yet as the years trailed on
my someday's seemed to change

the someday of trailing silk
and wispy curls
wasn't enough

i wasted that day
wasted it
dreaming of another

somehow 'today' was never 'someday'
it was always yet to come

the someday of "will you?"
was spent on the hope of
someday "I do"

the someday of a baby's cry
was spent in the hope of
someday "mama"

the dream kept me alive
it brought me through the years
i knew
someday, somehow
my 'someday' would come

pitiful dreamer!

until i sat at this desk
the pencil
feebly holding
i had hopes of someday

until this moment
i dreamed

but the silver of my hair
the lines carved upon my face
tell me

someday passed me by

someday was yesterday

they mock me
the pills on my table
the walker that i need

they all mock me
"your someday's are gone
my dear
did you seek perfection?
you fool!"

the words echo in my heart
as they always have
but the thrill that rings
through this aching body
is different

i have no someday's left
my 'someday' was yesterday
but i missed it

1 comment:

  1. Wow! very nice, Renae. I liked the progression of different somedays; and I loved the ending where it reveals the writer is an elderly person who has wasted their somedays. This 'poem' really does a good job of driving home the point of enjoying your days NOW, and not looking for things to get perfect in the future. :) - Caleb
